请注意,本文编写于 656 天前,最后修改于 656 天前,其中某些信息可能已经过时。

Lesson 2: Welcome to Remix! Simple Storage

⌨️ (02:01:16) Lesson 2: Welcome to Remix! Simple Storage

💻 Code: https://github.com/PatrickAlphaC/simple-storage-fcc


Setting Up Your First Contract

Basic Solidity: Types

Basic Solidity: Functions

  • Functions
  • Deploying a Contract
    • Smart Contracts have addresses just like our wallets
  • Calling a public state-changing Function
  • Visibility
  • Gas III | An example
  • Scope
  • View & Pure Functions

Basic Solidity: Arrays & Structs

  • Structs
  • Intro to Storage
  • Arrays
  • Dynamic & Fixed Sized
  • push array function

Basic Solidity: Compiler Errors and Warnings

  • Yellow: Warnings are Ok
  • Red: Errors are not Ok

Memory, Storage, Calldata (Intro)

  • 6 Places you can store and access data
    • calldata
    • memory
    • storage
    • code
    • logs
    • stack


Deploying your First Contract

  • A testnet or mainnet
  • Connecting Metamask
  • Find a faucet here
  • See the faucets at the top of this readme!
  • Interacting with Deployed Contracts

The EVM & A Recap of Lesson 2

  • The EVM



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